Meet Fairfield County Ria Rueda, PR and marketing pro, brand builder, philanthropist, and mama to a college-bound teen! This amazing human powerhouse is the constant juggler that we have an extreme admiration for. Ria’s full time occupation is the Monogram Ambassador at the Monogram Design Center at Aitoro in Norwalk. And then her other occupation (seems like full time to us) is founder of @thebuzzct and @knowyourladyparts. And she doesn’t stop there!

If you are not already following, check out @thebuzzct for an IGTV experiential series that films all around the area! Ria’s true appreciation for local entrepreneurs’ talents, work ethic and drive shines through in these videos. As does Ria’s admiration for where she lives.

We also love Ria’s @knowyourladyparts which is a new social media campaign to open the conversation of a woman's body...specifically vaginal health talk. Ria speaks candidly about her own experience and highlights the experiences of others on this platform. One of her goals is to remove the stigma of talking about the vagina and open it up for discussion. Think of this platform as your best friend on social media that you can look up any time of day, when you are in need of finding knowledge on a topic not typically discussed. She’s your go-to!
Ria with OB/GYN
Dr. Shieva Ghofrany

And just when we were contemplating how many hours are in Ria’s day, she is co-founder of Food for the Frontlines along with co-founders Nicole Straight and Stephanie Webster. They are the recipients of the annual "Light A Fire" award hosted by Moffly Media. This amazing trio raised over $140K and paid over 40 restaurants to deliver over 10,000 meals to frontline workers in Fairfield County. The grassroots initiative evolved into Food For Behind the Lines which currently consists of Ria, Stephanie, and Chef Jes Bengston. They work with purveyors to create food pantry boxes for unemployed and/or food-insecure restaurant workers in Fairfield and New Haven counties. Please consider purchasing an ecookbook from CT Bites that features 100 recipes from the CT Chefs you love and 100% of the proceeds support Food for Behind the Lines.

Senator Will Haskell helped Food for Behind the Lines during one of their food box distribution days